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Inline bongs are a type of bong that uses an inline percolator to filter the smoke.

May 21, 2023

The inline percolator is a horizontal tube that has many slits for filtration. This type of percolator is great because it does not sacrifice air flow nor do they take up a lot of space in the bong’s water chamber. Inline percs are usually made within thick glass bongs so the percolator disperses properly without compromising the other parts of a bong.

Here are some of the benefits of using an inline bong:

  • Smoother hits. The inline percolator breaks up the smoke into smaller particles, which makes for a smoother hit. This is because the smaller particles are less likely to irritate the throat and lungs.
  • Less harsh smoke. The inline percolator also helps to cool the smoke, which makes it less harsh. This is because the water in the percolator absorbs heat from the smoke.
  • More flavorful hits. The inline percolator helps to preserve the flavor of the smoke. This is because the water in the percolator helps to filter out some of the harsh chemicals in the smoke.
  • Less resin buildup. The inline percolator helps to reduce resin buildup in the bong. This is because the water in the percolator helps to trap some of the resin.

Overall, inline bongs offer a number of benefits over other types of bongs. If you are looking for a bong that provides smooth, flavorful, and less harsh hits, then an inline bong is a great option.

Here are some additional benefits of using an inline bong:

  • Durability. Inline bongs are typically made from thick glass, which makes them more durable than other types of bongs. This is important because bongs are often dropped or knocked over.
  • Portability. Inline bongs are typically smaller and more portable than other types of bongs. This makes them a good option for people who want to bring their bong with them on the go.
  • Aesthetics. Inline bongs are often very aesthetically pleasing. This is because they can be made in a variety of colors and styles.

If you are looking for a bong that offers a number of benefits, then an inline bong is a great option. They are smooth, flavorful, less harsh, durable, portable, and aesthetically pleasing.

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